Friday, November 17, 2006

Funk in the Afternoon

Breath in… After the biking, the beach, the hot tub, the poikies, the vodka, Bar Bar, some small sleep, brunch and frisbee golf. We decided that a beer, in the warm afternoon sun would be a perfect apre-frisbee. We subsequently, found ourselves out side at ‘Sorry Charlies’, listening to a very good band jamming away. I love the Funk and we sat enjoying the music until it was too cold and dark to continue.

You would think that this would be quite enough for one weekend but OH No!!! I had promised to attend an ‘Adventure Club’ bowling event. Here I displayed far less skill than on the frisbee golf course but I was a little tired.

I have sailed all the way to this Friday, on this social whirlwind. I cooked dinner at Taras house, for her and her son on Tuesday, Wednesday I was entertained at a dinner party over at Laura’s and on Thursday we went to watch Rachel, who was performing in a dance show. It turns out that Rachel is actually quite a dancer and was for us, the star of the show.

Pheew!!…. I am going to relax this weekend! The guys are talking of cycling again tomorrow though and that is where it all started before.


Blogger Iz said...

Poor BD, you went into all this trouble to entertain us with your blog this week and nobody (not even "Jack le Zèbre") has left a comment!
Maybe the intensity of your week left us all dazzled...

7:45 AM

Blogger Jack said...

Hey, but I was just about to! le Zebre? Ce quest-que c'est?

1:54 PM

Blogger Jack said...

What I was about to say, when I was so wudely intewupted :-), was that staying in bed and shouting 'oh god' does not constitute going to blog. Your audience needs you sweetie. Do keep it up!

2:00 PM

Blogger Jack said...

There was a young man from Burgess
Whose ship was in dock for re-furbish
He had looks, he had charm
While his prose could disarm
And his fan base included the Kurdish!

4:47 AM


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