Sunday, August 05, 2007

Daren! Can you take the pressure?

Originally uploaded by darenpackham
I am not sure! Can you take the pressure? I think I can, lets give it a practice first.
I received a call on my radio. Our principal guest had asked if we had means to take blood pressure on board.. We do. Only the means does not necessarily mean that we have the skills. I have taken blood pressure before.. ONCE and this is something that takes practice.. ! I walked enthusiastically to the captains office hoping that he was more qualified, or at least more practiced to take the pressure than me. We decide between us to explain that we didn't feel confident that we could give an accurate reading. The task of explanation was delegated from Captain to 1st mate. Oh Shit! thats me....
Our guest is a very nice chap and said that he appreciated that we were not doctors and that he would be happy with the best we could give. Yes sir, if you would just give us a few minutes!?
Seen in the picture, the captain who was smart enough to enlist female help, checked his own, then mine and then mine again then Alisons and then thankfully decided that HE would take the pressure.

Our guest, a middle aged business man, seems very relaxed and even though I am not a doctor, I think high pressure could be attributed to the Thai massage therapist who was giving him a good rub down, at the same time as the captain was trying to take the blood pressure reading.


Blogger lusciousdebbs said...

Just a general blog about your blog in general Daren!!!

Seems like all your friends already know my life's story through your blog..."yes, I've seen your kitchen renovation" and "So, who's the sailor you fell for?"

My reputation proceeds me...thanks?

6:18 PM

Blogger Jack said...

I don't know about anyone else, but in defence of mister DeePeat, I saw your kitchen renovation on YOUR site Debbs, February 8th... I've not read anything about any sailors though, so do tell more!

1:35 PM


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