Saturday, November 26, 2005

The bosun learns the routine and nursie does his doby..

Hello again,

Well, a few more days has passed and I am slowly getting to know the quirkey things that makes each ships routine, a little uinique..

Need a vacuum cleaner, well of course you have to visit Henrys villa.. want to do your washing then get Nursie to do your Doby?
want a tea break then it must be time for smokoe?

If you are `NOBĀ“ that means its your night on board and funny enough, that also means that its your turn to be `mess manĀ“( help clean up the galley) and also to clean the crew heads or toilets and dont forget, to turn on the rigging lights at sun set, or there will be trouble from the captain!

Must not wear overalls in the upper mess and on no account, must you throw rubbish from the deck into the skip, 3 stories bellow and deffinately not, wager the cook that she can not hit the skip with her rubbish from the deck! At least must not vocalise the dissapointing fact in the ships bar, that said cook, did hit her target with stealthy accuracy, whilst captain is also sitting in ships bar...causing more trouble from captain and having to buy him a beer for the cooks smug accuracy too. Blimey!

So, the comforting ships routine continues.. there are some problems being the new boy.. However, learning fast and keeping quiet in ships bar..


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