Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Clockwise or Anti-clockwise?

That is the question!? We are back I am afraid, to crude male observations. I understand from other people( for benefit of my mother) that as men we are either, a tit man or an arse man? I'm not sure. Its tricky ground for me. I rather like both and would have to sit firmly on the fence!

So I am living and working in Savannah Georgia. Famous for its leafy parks and its fine climate. Oh and Forest Gump..?

As I have mentioned before, there is a great culture on board the Princess Mariana for running and keeping fit and I am trying to run every other day.

My current, favorite place to run is the big park in the centre of the city. It has been drawn to my intention, that running in Savannah, is a predominantly female sport...Odd but true. The above mentioned park is a popular running place, most people run around the perimeter path, and come here because of the shade provided by the lush green trees that line the path (side tracking on behalf of my mum)

The trend for running around this park, seems to be anti-clockwise. It takes me about 25 minutes to do one lap and I find that my pace is very slightly faster than average. Meaning that 2 laps is a perfect outing. If the train from london leaves ten mins after I start running and the one from Brighton 5 mins after that, what time will East Enders be on? ( Maths quiz to put off my mum)

So if you are an arse man, you have to run around the park in an anti-clockwise direction. Meaning that the pace will generally be faster, in order to overtake as many jogging girls in tight shorts as possible before completing the 2 laps. However! if your tastes are the other way around, you are on to a winner! You have to face up to feeling a bit like a salmon, swimming up stream but you can go slower and also check out the smiling faces (again for mum) of all of the running fraternity in the park on that day!

My pace has sadly slowed down and I will be late home for East Enders!


Blogger Dai said...

I am with Ady perhaps a spell of runing back wards may be also in order?

3:43 AM


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