Sunday, May 07, 2006

Hooray for, Vets that dance, eat pizza and drink beer.

After coming off the trail I had to hitch a ride. It was a classic ride, form a big dude in a big truck, with his big wife. They were off to a Harley Davidson Meeting! I was pleased that they were and very pleased that they picked me up. It was, however a bit of a concern to see him sipping beer from a Budweiser can as he was driving along!
Anyhow I arrived back at my wooden home in the woods, had a nap and a shower before heading back into Bryson City, to find food and refreshment.
The only bar in town was quiet for a Saturday evening but I was hungry and sat up at the bar where Heidi a buxom lass, (who actually looked pregnant but was just a bit fat ) was serving beer with a smile and a friendly southern accent.
This girl was a classic example of." I would rather see a pregnant girl standing up, than a fat girl sitting down crying". Don’t give up your seat for a girl unless you are sure she is actually pregnant. She was very nice though and was keeping me company. That was, until 3 pretty women walked in, who were obviously straight off the trail. Some how, we all got to chatting and spent the evening, eating pizza drinking beer and becoming slightly over refreshed. Then dancing to the live band that came on, before finally retiring after a flurry of kisses, to my much needed bed. It was 2 30 am and I had another busy day to look forward to

daren packham voyages


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