Monday, July 03, 2006

International sneezing debate and good news for hay fever sufferers

This weekend my good friend Trish, who is from Canada was staying at my flat in Sussex, England and I was working on the boat this Sunday in Savannah Georgia. Taking the advantage of some quiet time to contact some friends, using fantastic ‘Skype’ and ‘Messenger’. On Sunday morning, I was talking to my lovely French friend, Carol, who lives on the Isle of Wight.

While Carol and I were talking, she did a little sneeze and told me in her beautiful French accent, that a sneeze was a bit like an orgasm! Later the same day I was talking to my friend, Julian, who lives in Peru. Funnily, Julian sneezed and I was reminded to ask him if he had ever heard such a thing before. He said, “ Yes mate! A sneeze is apparently 1/8th of an orgasm”
Hmm, I thought. Trying to remember if I had ever, in my life sneezed, 8 times in a row… Neither of us had, but Julian had heard of a poor girl who had not stopped sneezing for a whole year. She probably didn’t want to! He also said that he knew some male hay fever sufferers that sneezed all the time and blamed the anti histamine drugs for the drowsiness.

I am a little lonely these days, so I am off to sniff the pepper pot.


Blogger Iz said...

Once, a wish
Twice, a kiss
Three times, a letter
Four times, something better!

Shame the rhyme stop at 4!!!

2:57 PM

Blogger Jack said...

Can't help but think that whoever invented tissues saw the connection... and that the makers of french letters missed a trick!

PS Bless you Daren!

6:55 PM


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