Friday, June 16, 2006

Stormy Weather

The Hurricane season has arrived. It was my job to make a plan for the ship and crew of what to do incase of a hurricane. In my research, of when the last big storm was and what the evacuation routes are and where the nearest storm shelters are, I found out from FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) that "Although Savannah is by-passed by most of the big storms we are to expect some 'FROG CHOKING' rains."

So under 2 weeks after the season started, our first named, Tropical Depression of 2006, 'Alberta' rained and blew its way over Savannah. This was pretty un-exciting. The wind was actually, no more than that of a good days sailing but they were right about the rain! There was a lot of that!
It was a good job that the storm did not make it to France where frog choking effects would have been devastating!

The sun is back out now and the crew are happy to be living in the big yellow house. The house warming party is set for next Friday. Wish you were here..

daren packham voyages


Blogger Iz said...

Rest assured that France is safe from any frog choking rainfall and bear in mind that only liquids with the potential of choking the French are champagne... rosé with ice cubes in the summer ... and CDP for the royalty!

5:40 PM


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