Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Sink with water draining clockwise

Our favourite subject! Direction of running around the park. This week I have learnt that my, Southern hemisphere colleges like to run the park in a different direction to me. Could this be the Corriolis effect? ( The inertial force, with which the rotation of the earth effects air and water)
Or does having an Australian or South African accent mean that you like bottoms rather than breasts?


Blogger Dai said...

why is there an egg near your sink?
Is this the unfortunate victim before you post of the 19th OCT?

Where you using the said egg as a plug?
Is it a cunning visual clue based thematically on oviod shapes an your current maths fetish?
An ovoid of a hyperbolic quadric Q^{-}(2n+1,q)(n\geq 2)would contain qn + 1 points. so there!

9:57 AM

Blogger Jack said...

Clearly, the egg can be transmogrifried into the plug (given a suitable pan). However, Dai, the word 'where' cannot been substituted for 'were' without making you sound like a rastafarian music promoter. Man, someone oughta do something about education in America!

5:49 PM

Blogger Dai said...

How do you know I am american or have anything educationally to do with the place. Typos I have lpts of thrm !
Chant down baylon Mon!

3:14 AM

Blogger Jack said...

Sorry my squelch friend, the lament about American education was clearly not a sleight against you, in any way, shape or form... I just think someone oughta, that's all.

10:21 AM


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