Friday, August 10, 2007

Ooh la la Capitain! (French accent required)

As usual, it was a very pretty, well presented girl that had stopped the boys in their tracks!

They never seem to tire of it and since arriving in the South of France, where women certainly seem to make a big effort with their appearance but at the same time are very comfortable with removing most, or all of their clothes in public places, well at the beach anyway! Seeing that we are at the beach or there abouts most of the time, the boys are treated and horrified at regular intervals. I admit to being slightly distracted myself on the odd occasion..

Anyway, the above mentioned pretty girl came to the boat asking for the Captain. The captain was off the boat or busy so the guys called me to the gangway to meet the said, pretty girl.
"ello capiten" she said sweetly. She had after all, asked for the captain and I had arrived...My schoolboy french funnily enough doesn't stretch to, I am sorry, I am not the captain but the first officer.. so I smiled at her in my best French and decided to go with it. Bonjour mademoiselle ow can I elp you??.
Oh dear, oh dear! sad but funny!


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