Thursday, January 12, 2006

I used To Like Tractors?

Another day passes and the bosun finds yet another small thing that makes him laugh. I have now sailed on many ships and they do all have lots of funny quirks. Some go with you as you move between ships and catch on with the new crew others are totally unique.

Today at tot time, I noticed that above the bar mounted into the deck head is a fan and on it there is a label. Now, all the fans have small labels, they have a date of the last inspection or cleaning and a number, so seeing a label is normal. This one reads "I used to like tractors"

Thinking this odd, I asked Marco the engineer to explain. A corus of permenant crew, said in perfect harmony.... "because is an EX TRACTOR FAN!" This is clearly a joke that everyone finds very funny how ever many times it is repeated..I like it too and I am sure that next time it is noticed I will be one of the corus.


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