Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Smoke, mirrors, a blonde, a brunette, some chocolate and a few fish

The Illusion created with smoke and mirrors would tend to indicate that the blonde girl (Debbs) who has recently started to appear in these pages, might be my new 'best friend'. This really is not the case, we are becoming good friends though which is great. I am still very much distracted with a brunette who is equally unsuitable yet seemingly totally desirable.

The day after poker night, was however, spent with Debbs, who very kindly, ran me around the island with my borrowed kayak slung in the back of her big red truck, she walked on the beach patiently while I played in the small surf and then taught me the art of collecting live bait, took me fishing where she showed great skill, catching two sea bass and some other ugly fish with big teeth, that she put back. Even I caught a small fish but it was sadly too small.

After the fishing expedition I had a long afternoon nap and in the evening made the fish that we (Debbs) caught (equally skillfully) into a fish pie.

The chocolate desert that I finally made on the second attempt, was a big hit but at the cost of one of Debbs (favorite? ooops) cooking bowls, which broke! Leaving the first batch of delicious chocolate and butter to swim for its brown, sticky life. I was reeling, because my creation was lost into the boiling water but I was cunningly showing my frustrated emotions outwardly towards the broken bowl.

Dinner was washed down, as all good dinners are, with plenty of wine. We put our small world to rights and reflected on yet another lovely day out on the island.


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