Monday, May 29, 2006

Savannah Secret

This is not all that exciting but I think it is note worthy. There is a small square down on the water front, here in Savannah. If you walk along the promenade it is at the end. It is symmetrical with 4 inward facing benches, behind which, there are 4 small walls containing bushes and in the corners are 4 trees. The ground has been concreted in a pattern with 4 triangles. The expansion joins cross in the centre of the square. There is nothing surprising about its appearance. Just a pretty little square, one of hundreds in savannah..

I found out from our engineer, that if you stand in the centre, where the triangles cross, and you talk, you can hear yourself, not as an echo but as a reverberating resonation. It is something un-explained. No advert, no plaque, no tourists, no locals, no guide book or anything, to tell anyone of its unique phenomena. It is very bizarre. I like it though. Mike showed me after we had been for a beer across the way from the square, we messed around for a few minutes. A couple walked through and Mike persuaded the guy to stand in the middle and say something. Bemused man, then got his wife to do the same, then we left the square and watched folks walking through, sitting on the benches but once again the secret remains, everyone blissfully un-aware of it.

Stranger still. On Saturday evening we were on the waterfront. There was a 3 man band playing and singing in the square. The middle guy was sat on a stool playing his guitar right in the centre. The other 2 blokes playing and singing along next to him. After they finished their show, I went up to the guy in the centre and said quietly, “The spot where you are sitting is a bit special isn’t it?” He looked at me, his weathered black face grinning, he held up his index finger to his lips. “yes it is” His other band members, also had no idea!


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