Saturday, December 30, 2006

Another Royal Visit

Royal Visitor
Originally uploaded by darenpackham.
As my friends know. Normally when I return home I have a royal visitor. This particular trip to the mother land was no different and as you can see from the picture I had an audiance with THE Queen.....Of England

The Corgies are well, the grand kids are as always a cause for slight concern and she was all ecited about her young subjects, not respecting the older generation. Oh and how she wished we could all just get along better with the different cultures that live together in Britain.

"Yes ma'am wouldn't that be a wonderful wheeze if we could all be a bit more sporting." "Yes Dazzer" she said, "Apart from those Ausie bastards who keep beating our chaps at Cricket!"

Then my mate Dai called from the kitchen and Cath, his mother (who looks just like our beloved Monarch) said, in her lovely Welsh accent, "Daren Love, were leaving now I think the baby is tired"


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