The Party

Oh yes there was!
Boiled peanuts is the snack of choice here in the south, for the beach or a fun Blue Grass festival.
Deep South. Y’all come now… For me this stuff is from the movies. This place has its charms for sure and recently I have been on a small mission to discover the essence of what Georgia and the South is all about.
On Wednesday mornings at 6 am, I usually try to meet up with a small group of runners. For the most part they are women, well all of them are women apart from me actually. I call them, the Savannah racing snakes. This week there was just 3 of us, not that that matters for this story.
So there we were, me exhausted and wheezing, the ‘racing snakes striding along ahead, happily chatting. I am thrilled to report that, this weeks training session, was conducted by running at varying speeds around the park, alternating directions after each lap and a half. First, clockwise then anti clockwise.
“Why do you do that?” I asked my female companions. They smiled at each other and said, in their southern accents, “ We like to check out the cute guys” They were certainly not including me in this group of guys being, ‘ checked out’ They were a good half a mile ahead of me for the whole session.
Anyway I was pleased that they go both ways and that it's not just me who is enjoying the scenery whilst running in the park.
General malee and feelings of despair, were dispersed on Friday by having a party. It was a good one too!
The chief engineer has now decided to join our parting captain on a long walk from our short gangway! This is a clear sign that things could be better on board.
For me I am enjoying Savannah and I will stay to watch and even join in, the bun fight that has began in earnest around me. After all, the money is the same, the sun is still shining and I am distracted slightly by short listing brunettes.
I think the song goes ,“If you go down to the woods today beware of a big surprise!
If you go down to the woods today you had better go in disguise.”
One thing is fur sure, you had better not disguise yourself as a small fury animal because you stand a very high chance that you are going to get shot at by a red neck
Yesterday was the 1st day of hunting season in Georgia, restricted for the 1st two weeks, to hunting by bow and arrow. (Dukes of hazard style! Wasn’t Daisy a brunette?) At least that way the fury animals still get a fighting chance for a few weeks. After that people are allowed to shoot at them with traditional weapons, meaning powder and musket type thing! So a little less chance for the fury guys during that period but then it will be time for the full on rifle season. Then, the poor little bastards are really in trouble, plus anyone else that enjoys the woods like tall English men riding mountain bikes on the trails with his friends.
So all the red necks are excited about the hunting season and me and the fury guys are scared stiff. Time to lock up the bike and stay home with Daisy.
It might be time for me to give up! That is, give up, the giving up of women! I said, one year! One year with, no romantic shenanigans or attachments.
A small note to good friends here. I most definitely did not say, or even suggest for one moment,that flirting, would come under the category, or sub heading of romantic shenanigans. Yes I am aware that I am a bit short of the year but presumably it might take a few months to persuade one of the fairer sex to engage in any shenanigans or attachments.
So with my ponchon for 6 ft blondes, with no nickers and being in Savannah where there seems to be a healthy supply, of as yet, un-willing tall blondes, I have decided that actually I prefer brunettes.
I am off to run around the park. Clockwise of course!