Monday, June 26, 2006

Daren's Box

Darens Box
Originally uploaded by darenpackham.
In recent history, this very innocent looking light switch, which really is not a light switch, remained on the wall unprotected and was mistakenly, used as light switch by me.. As described on this blog a few weeks ago, pushing said light (style) switch, has a very devestating effect.

So, I cleverly found a bright red box and had a smart label made. Why this is so funny to the crew I have no idea. Walking past the box today I notice that the box has now been labelled in my honour.

Park Rules

Park Rules
Originally uploaded by darenpackham.
I have been running clockwise around Forsythe Park, at least once per week for 10 weeks. Wondering as I go, why I am still, pretty much the only person running in this preferred direction..
Then I saw the sign! “Oh, I see. It’s a rule…”

This is precisely the sort of rule that should be flaunted and any man with an ounce of red blood in him, should see the benefit in totally disregarding this particular park rule. I will continue my clockwise routine with added fervour.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Toy anchor winches

Toy anchor winches
Originally uploaded by darenpackham.
The anchors too. I have gone to Lilliput and I am a LEGO man in a LEGO Land... Help

toy controls?

toy controls?
Originally uploaded by darenpackham.
Even the ships engine controls have been transformed into a LEGO land style!

Lego man real

Lego man real
Originally uploaded by darenpackham.
Maybe I am a LEGO man. I am starting to look like one!

lego dude

lego dude
Originally uploaded by darenpackham.
When we get all bothered and upset at each other and the schedule is behind and the captain is moaning on about this or that.. We are upset because this is our lives! We have to admit that it is a comfortable life and we are all earning good money, plus there are some great benefits. However, after a while It affects our human feelings and emotions. We are all miles from home living and working together and just sometimes we wish that we could do as we please. Leaving the boat, for the house symbolised just that. Leaving work at the end of the day to forget it until tomorrow.

At the end of the day we just work on some blokes toy and we are the lego men that he has sat inside it.

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Originally uploaded by darenpackham.
The crew finally moved to the big house and the BBQ was quickly put to work. However, weekend watches have resumed and so I am already back on board, weekend off was a short lived feeling. Boo Hoo! I knew there was a catch.

We all move ashore, or do we?

Side door
Originally uploaded by darenpackham.
As more bits are removed from the ship, the scale of work is becoming more and more evident. The state of the place has to get a lot worse before it can get better! Lets just say that there is some major chunks of boat dissapearing ashore.. The question is, when it is our turn to go!?

The way I have been eating lately, they might have to use a crane for that too.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Stormy Weather

The Hurricane season has arrived. It was my job to make a plan for the ship and crew of what to do incase of a hurricane. In my research, of when the last big storm was and what the evacuation routes are and where the nearest storm shelters are, I found out from FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) that "Although Savannah is by-passed by most of the big storms we are to expect some 'FROG CHOKING' rains."

So under 2 weeks after the season started, our first named, Tropical Depression of 2006, 'Alberta' rained and blew its way over Savannah. This was pretty un-exciting. The wind was actually, no more than that of a good days sailing but they were right about the rain! There was a lot of that!
It was a good job that the storm did not make it to France where frog choking effects would have been devastating!

The sun is back out now and the crew are happy to be living in the big yellow house. The house warming party is set for next Friday. Wish you were here..

daren packham voyages

Sunday, June 11, 2006


The six foot blonde, Brazillian, fashion designer I met, told me her name was, Doris!? I'm not sure but I think she was walking me down the garden path with that one! It's a good job I am not interested in women this year.

daren packham voyages

Normal Routine

As the work and play routine kick in, there seems to be less to write about. The work has got a bit busy and the play has become less playfull. You will see from my profile, that I have given up women for the year. This was a good move and is keeping me out of too much trouble.
Rules are however, there to be broken but as yet I am being good.

I have joined a running group called 'Fleet Feet' named after a local running store. Me and Brendon met them for the first time at 6am on Wednesday to run over the Suspension bridge that, goes to South Carolina and of course back again(10km for those that care). This town has a ridiculous in-balance and once again Brendon and I were the only guys in the group. We will return again this Wednesday for sure!

What else? The adventure club hike, out at Skidaway Island, was nice but there was only four of us that showed up. I have to admit that it was rather hot out there and you would have been wiser to have gone to beach or some shaded park. Was realaxing and beautifrul though.

Volley ball on Sunday afternoons over at 'coaches corner'(thats opposite the shag dancing place), on the sand court, is alot of fun. I am still maintaining a very low level of skill but enjoy the social and I am improving. Thats 4 Sundays in a row now. Time is flying bye.

The Camping trip up to North Carolina, was definitely on my list of things to join in with but there is a big crew house warming party on the same weekend. I have been asked to organise it and we are thinking that fancy dress is the way to go, for that. I tend to agree ..

daren packham voyages

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I look like a dog strangler

Originally uploaded by darenpackham.
One of my friends from the Savannah Adventure Club is Kelly. Kelly has just moved into an apartment by the park. The floors in the apartment are on the slant, a bit like kelly! There are two good things about kelly……(comic pause) No there are two other things! (as well) #1) She has a very cool dog. #2) Her athletic prowess on the volleyball court is amazing. Just like mine. We are both crap!

Kelly agreed to let me take her lovely dog ‘Captain’ for a run around the park. Accents and shag dancing are not good advantages while running in the park but running with a beautiful dog (clock-wise today, see April) is a winner!
The little aside to this story is that Brendon and I often run together but today was funny because, I am the 2nd officer, Brendon is the 1st officer and we ran with ‘Captain’ You will see from the picture that I appear to be strangling the dog. We had a bad day at work. Sorry Captain.

Dry dock

Dry dock
Originally uploaded by darenpackham.
It has been quite busy all along but today was the first day in the dry dock. At 0730 this morning one of the dock guys told me that I was running around the place like a one armed, brick layer, in Bagdad. I was indeed running around! We had over 40 guys working on the boat today and they all seemed to need some small thing fetching or opening from the opposite end of the boat from where we were standing!


Originally uploaded by darenpackham.
The work, play balance has tipped dramatically towards work lately and so the funny shore-side shinannigans have been limited. News from Savannah is this week, sadly a bit dull.

Monday, June 05, 2006


Originally uploaded by darenpackham.
The team were professional and serious during and after the dry docking

Welcome to Savannah

lots to do
Originally uploaded by darenpackham.
Thats It. We are really here for the summer. The dock was filled, we all lept into action for the afternoon, the boat was moved and then the dock was drained and we are sitting on the blocks.

No getting out of it. The door is shut and the boat is high and dry. The jobs list is long and the number of days is reletively short to do it all..

No cash no splash! From now on the yard has control. Up to this point, we could have dropped our lines and gone but not now!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Its True

Originally uploaded by darenpackham.
needs no comment! Funny....

Thursday, June 01, 2006

My good friend Constantine

This is an un-edited e mail, written to me from my good friend and ex crew member of 'Mystique', Constantine, also known as Coastas. He is from the Ukrane.

When I asked him, he said yes but could I correct his grammar and spelling. If you have read my Blog, you know by now, that I appaualing at both so I said no. Anyway, the charm and wit of the mail can only be fully appreciated with miss placed grammar in tact. Sorry Costa.

In order to fully understand this message, you might need to refer to the following glossary of terms


This is a funky spelling but it is flattering and very respectful when a Russian addresses you by your fathers name-ovich. (my fathers name being Raymond) However. This is way too respectful and is said with more tongue in cheek humour, than respect. I still like it..

Rushing Captains

A favorite joke between us.. Russians… Always in a hurry! Russian here and russian there.


Swahili apart from language spoken in many African countries, is also the language of a person vomiting over the side of a boat. Swaaa-Hhiilllliiii….and repeat often.

Strong wind

When you are in a sailing boat and there has been a storm. There is this awful period after the storm has passed, where you have no wind but the big sea from the storm still remains. In this period you have no power in the sails to combat the waves. In short, you get no where! When talking to a pretty girl, sometimes, you can get this same feeling! You have no wind! However. If you have ‘Strong wind’ everyone is happy. Even in a sailing boat.

British Politeness

In Russia, if you would like a beer, you go to a bar and say, ‘Beer!’ and the bar man will reply, hand out stretched, ‘Money!’
In England we say, ‘Please, if you are not to busy, would you mind awfully getting me, if its not too much trouble, a beer? This, to a Russian dude, is just way too many words to cope with and makes my friend Costas laugh a lot!

Don't be shy

Another silly thing! We just always laughed at this." Don't be shy, Your mother wasn't!"

The e mail
Dear Captain Daren, too nice hear from you, Raimondovich!
Hey-hey! Just take an imagine - when I going to write you, I see your message:-)
Some news. Captain, I had sailing in the silliest regatta in the world, honestly! Across the Black Sea - from my native nice Sebastopol to Turkey and back. One week. 6 sailing yachts. 6 Russian grumpy and rushing captains.
Funny, isnt it?
It was realy crazy adventure.
Next. Onboard each yacht - about 10 journalist from different magazines. For example - from Playboy, Penthouse and other silly sex and weeman's editions! Everybody novice. Everybody was 'speak suahili' during sailing - coz Black sea is Black sea, weather is always stormy...
And? After this funny travel I have to write an article to the sailing magazine - How It Is Nice To Be Sailor!
But - in regatta where a lot of girls onboard, and now I have got some strong wind - do you remember our jock?
And, Dear Daren - i have one idea. I ask you to write few words to our magazine - of course, if you not so busy (Famous Britishe Politness).
Do you see, Im unhuppy with russian charter captains - and I need from you few advices, how captain have to keep himself with passangers - you will dont believe, but I have seen captains smocking and drinking in front of customers! Terrible!
If you will have some idea - just write me, dont be shy - in your funny stile, I like it very much:-)
Dear Daren! I always remember our best times, and I do not know why - but I shore, we will sailing together...
your friend Costas...